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Defining Columns in an Elements file as part of a feature 1: <Field ID="{CCF0A1BF-4823-459c-9773-73890231E070}" 2: Name="ActiveProject" 3: DisplayName="Is Project Active" 4: Group="Litware" 5: Type="Boolean"/> |
Type (as shown on the Create Column page) | Field Type | Notes | MSDN Links |
Single line of text | Type=”Text” | Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldText | |
Multiple lines of text | Type=”Note” | In the Create Column page, can pick the type of text to allow. To enable the different sub-types, you need to set a couple of other attributes on the field element.Plain Text RichText=”FALSE” (default value)Rich Text RichText=”TRUE” RichTextMode=”Compatible” (default value)Enhanced Text RichText=”TRUE” RichTextMode=”FullHtml” In addition, you can also set the number of lines to display using the NumLine attribute. Further Information on MSDN: |
Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldMultiLineText |
Choice (menu to choose from) | Single Choice Type=”Choice”Multi-Choice Type=”MultiChoice” |
Pick the display format for the Choice and Multi-Choice types, respectively:Drop-Down Menu or Combo Box Format=”Dropdowns”Radio Buttons or Check Boxes Format=”RadioButtons”Define the options a user can pick from using the Choices element. Below is a skeleton to explain this. <Field Name=”MyOptions” Type=……> If you would like to give the user an option to add their own value, set the attribute FillInChoice=”TRUE”. |
Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldChoice Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldMultiChoice |
Number | Type=”Integer” | This field type also lets you define:Minimum Value (0 for example) Min=”0”Maximum Value (100 for example) Max=”100”Decimal Places (Default is Automatic, example 2 decimal places) Decimals=”2” Show as Percentage (Default is False) |
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldNumber |
Currency | Type=”Currency” | This field type also lets you define:Minimum Value (0 for example) Min=”0”Maximum Value (100 for example) Max=”100”Decimal Places (Default is Automatic, example 2 decimal places) Decimals=”2” Currency Format LCID=”3081” 3081 sets the format English – Australian. For a complete list of Locales, see the MSDN link in the next column. |
Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldCurrencyLocale IDs |
Date and Time | Type=”DateTime” | This field also lets you define:Date and Time Format Show the date only: Format=”DateOnly”Show the date and time: Format=”DateTime” |
Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldDateTime |
Yes/No | Type=”Boolean” | When setting the default value, you need to use the binary values:No/False = 0 Yes/True = 1 |
Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldBoolean |
Person or Group | Single User or Group Type=”User”Multiple Users or Groups Type=”MultiUser” |
This field also lets you define:Allow multiple selections Set the Type to MultUser and the attribute Mult=”TRUE”Allow selection of People Only UserSelectionMode=”PeopleOnly”People and Groups UserSelectionMode=”PeopleAndGroups” Choose from Show field If you would also like to show presence (Office Communicator integration required): |
Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldUser |
Hyperlink or Picture | Type=”URL” | You can display the URL as a Hyperlink or Picture. Use the Format attribute to pick which one:Hyperlink Format=”Hyperlink”Picture Format=”Image” |
Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldUrl |
Hope this helps you when defining site columns/field.